Note: Please understand that this website is not affiliated with the Jean Patou company in any way, it is only a reference page for collectors and those who have enjoyed the Jean Patou fragrances.

The goal of this website is to show the present owners of the Jean Patou company how much we miss the discontinued classics and hopefully, if they see that there is enough interest and demand, they will bring back the perfume!

Please leave a comment below (for example: of why you liked the perfume, describe the scent, time period or age you wore it, who gave it to you or what occasion, any specific memories), who knows, perhaps someone from the company might see it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sublime by Jean Patou c1992

In 1992, when Jean Patou's "Sublime" was launched, the world was experiencing significant cultural and social shifts. The early '90s marked the end of the Cold War, and there was a sense of optimism and new beginnings. The fashion and beauty industries were evolving, embracing boldness, glamour, and a return to elegance after the extravagance of the 1980s. Women were increasingly confident, independent, and expressive, seeking to reflect these qualities in their choice of fragrance.

"Sublime," created by Jean Kerléo, refers to something of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty that it inspires great admiration or awe. Jean Patou likely chose the name "Sublime" to evoke a sense of supreme elegance and transcendent beauty. It implies a fragrance that is not just pleasant or attractive, but one that elevates the wearer to an almost ethereal level of sophistication and charm. The name "Sublime" suggests a scent that is beyond ordinary, something magnificent and awe-inspiring.

"Sublime" makes an excellent name for a perfume because it captures the essence of what many people seek in a fragrance: a touch of the extraordinary, a hint of the divine. It speaks to the desire for an exceptional sensory experience that enhances one's presence and leaves a lasting impression. The name itself conjures images of something elevated and supreme, aligning perfectly with the aspirations of those who wear it.

A perfume called "Sublime" would resonate with women who view themselves as radiant and confident, or who aspire to embody these qualities. These women would likely be drawn to the idea of a fragrance that enhances their inherent elegance and allure. They would respond to "Sublime" with admiration, feeling that the perfume complements their sense of style and presence, adding a layer of sophistication and allure to their persona.

This type of perfume would be most popular in cosmopolitan cities around the world, where fashion and elegance are highly valued. Places like Paris, New York, Milan, and Tokyo, where there is a deep appreciation for luxury and high-end beauty products, would likely see a strong affinity for "Sublime."

The word "Sublime" evokes images of breathtaking beauty and grandeur, such as a stunning sunset, a majestic mountain range, or a work of art that moves the soul. It brings forth emotions of awe, admiration, and inspiration. The term suggests an experience that transcends the ordinary, reaching into the realm of the extraordinary and the magnificent.

While the name "Sublime" is unique, it is not out of touch for the time period. The early '90s saw a resurgence of classic elegance and a desire for timeless beauty. A name like "Sublime" fits perfectly within this context, offering a sense of sophistication and timeless appeal that would attract those looking for something truly exceptional in their fragrance choice. Jean Patou's "Sublime," created by Jean Kerléo, captured this essence, presenting a perfume that promised to elevate the wearer's experience to something truly sublime.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Voyageur by Jean Patou c1995

Voyageur by Jean Patou: launched in 1995, created by Jean Kerleo. .

Patou Pour Homme by Jean Patou c1980

Patou Pour Homme by Jean Patou: launched in 1980, created by Jean Kerleo.

Patou Pour Homme Prive by Jean Patou c1994

Patou Pour Homme Prive was created by Jean Kerleo in 1994

Un Amour de Patou by Jean Patou c1998

In 1998, the world was a vibrant mosaic of cultural and technological shifts. The late 1990s marked the apex of the digital revolution, with the Internet increasingly influencing everyday life and fostering a global interconnectedness. This period also witnessed the emergence of a new generation of young women who were more independent, career-oriented, and fashion-conscious than ever before. These women were exploring their identities and expressing their individuality through their choices in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle.

"Un Amour de Patou," meaning "A Love of Patou," is a poetic and evocative name for a fragrance. Jean Patou, known for his romantic and sophisticated creations, likely chose this name to convey a sense of intimate elegance and timeless love. The phrase encapsulates the essence of deep affection and admiration, reflecting the designer’s commitment to creating fragrances that resonate with personal emotions and cherished moments. The name suggests a fragrance that is not just a scent but a love story in a bottle, appealing to those who appreciate the finer nuances of romance and elegance.

A perfume called "Un Amour de Patou" would have resonated deeply with women who were in tune with their emotions and cherished the notion of love in all its forms. It would attract young women who were passionate about their experiences and valued the sentimental and poetic aspects of life. These women would likely respond to the perfume with a sense of nostalgia and appreciation, finding in it a reflection of their own romantic ideals and aspirations.

Globally, this type of perfume would be most popular in regions with a strong appreciation for luxury and romance, such as Europe and North America. In cities like Paris, New York, and London, where fashion and sophistication are highly valued, "Un Amour de Patou" would find a dedicated audience. These locales, with their rich cultural tapestries and diverse populations, would provide the perfect backdrop for a fragrance that celebrates love and elegance.

Sira des Indes by Jean Patou c2006

In 2006, the world was increasingly interconnected through globalization, with a heightened interest in exotic destinations and cultural experiences. This was a time when the beauty and fragrance industry was expanding its horizons, drawing inspiration from diverse cultures and natural resources around the globe. Consumers were eager to explore new and luxurious scents that transported them to far-off places. Jean Patou, a brand known for its rich history and luxurious creations, capitalized on this trend by launching "Sira des Indes."

"Sira des Indes" is a woody oriental fragrance that draws its inspiration from India, particularly the champaca tree. The champaca tree, native to India, is renowned for its vibrant, honey-orange blossoms that exude a sweet, intoxicating fragrance. In Indian culture, the champaca tree and its flowers are symbols of love and legend, often associated with romance and spirituality. By choosing the champaca tree as a central element, Jean Patou created a scent that is both exotic and deeply rooted in cultural significance.

"Sira des Indes" translates to "Star of India." This name likely refers to both the famed sapphire known as the Star of India, one of the largest sapphires in the world, and the rich, mystical allure of the Indian subcontinent. The name evokes images of brilliance, rarity, and exotic beauty, aligning perfectly with the luxurious and unique nature of the perfume. The celebrated gemstone, a star sapphire that is one of the largest of its kind. It is notable for its deep blue color and the star-shaped light reflection that appears on its surface. This gemstone symbolizes beauty, rarity, and value, mirroring the luxurious and rare qualities that the perfume "Sira des Indes" aims to embody.

Jean Patou chose the name "Sira des Indes" to encapsulate the essence of India’s allure and mystery. The name itself is captivating, suggesting a precious and rare experience, much like discovering a hidden gem. It makes an excellent name for a perfume because it evokes curiosity, luxury, and a sense of adventure. Those who are enchanted by the mystique of India and its cultural richness would be drawn to a fragrance named "Sira des Indes."

"Sira des Indes" would appeal to sophisticated consumers who appreciate fine perfumery and are intrigued by exotic inspirations. This includes individuals who are well-traveled or have a deep appreciation for cultural diversity and luxury. Such a perfume would find popularity in cosmopolitan cities across the globe, particularly in regions with a high demand for niche and luxury fragrances, such as Paris, New York, London, and Dubai.

Patou For Ever by Jean Patou c1998

"Patou Forever" by Jean Patou, launched in 1998 and created by Jean Kerléo, embodies a rich legacy in both fashion and perfumery. Jean Patou himself was a visionary fashion designer and perfumer who achieved remarkable success spanning nearly 85 years. His career began in the early 20th century, a period marked by innovation and cultural shifts in fashion and lifestyle.

During this time, being a successful fashion designer and perfumer meant more than just creating clothing or scents; it meant setting trends, defining elegance, and capturing the spirit of the times. Jean Patou excelled in this by pioneering sportswear for women and creating iconic fragrances that became synonymous with luxury and sophistication.

"Patou Forever" pays tribute to this enduring legacy. The name suggests timeless elegance and lasting impact, encapsulating Jean Patou's influence on both fashion and perfume. Choosing "Patou Forever" as a perfume name signifies a commitment to perpetuating Patou's legacy and aesthetic ideals. It suggests a perfume that embodies classic elegance, refined taste, and enduring allure.

This name would resonate with individuals who appreciate heritage, luxury, and timeless style. They would likely respond to the perfume with admiration for its connection to Jean Patou's illustrious career and its promise of sophistication and refinement.

Geographically, "Patou Forever" would be popular in regions with a strong appreciation for luxury and classic fashion, such as Europe, North America, and parts of Asia where haute couture and prestige perfumery hold significant cultural value.

Emotionally, "Patou Forever" evokes images of Parisian chic, haute couture fashion shows, and the timeless allure of classic fragrances. It suggests sophistication, exclusivity, and a sense of enduring beauty.

In the context of 1998, when the perfume was launched, "Patou Forever" would have been seen as a unique and fitting name. It captures the essence of Jean Patou's legacy without feeling out of touch; instead, it reinforces the brand's timeless appeal and commitment to excellence.

Overall, "Patou Forever" by Jean Patou represents not just a fragrance, but a tribute to a fashion and perfumery icon whose influence continues to resonate across generations.

PanAme by Jean Patou c2001

"PanAme" by Jean Patou, launched in 2001, stands as a tribute to the timeless allure of Paris, crafted by perfumer Jean-Michel Duriez specifically for the duty-free market. This exclusive release was designed to capture the essence of Parisian elegance and sophistication, making it a coveted item for international travelers.

In the early 2000s, the context of air travel to Paris and shopping at duty-free stores for perfumes was marked by a sense of luxury, convenience, and international flair. Duty-free shopping at airports allowed travelers to purchase goods without paying certain local taxes, making it an attractive option for acquiring exclusive items like perfumes.

"PanAme," as a name, derives from the iconic American airline Pan American World Airways, commonly known as Pan Am. Pan Am was synonymous with glamour, luxury, and international travel during its heyday, especially from the 1950s to the 1970s. Choosing "PanAme" for a perfume likely evokes associations with travel, sophistication, and the cosmopolitan lifestyle that Pan Am represented.

Jean Patou's decision to name a perfume "PanAme" would have resonated with individuals who valued elegance, global travel, and the prestige associated with luxury brands. The name itself suggests a connection to transatlantic journeys, exotic destinations, and the jet-set lifestyle, appealing to travelers and perfume enthusiasts alike.

This type of perfume would likely be most popular in international airports and major cities frequented by global travelers, where the allure of duty-free shopping and exclusive products is strongest. The name "PanAme" evokes images of sleek airplanes, bustling airports, chic travelers, and far-off destinations, conjuring emotions of excitement, adventure, and sophistication.

Nacre by Jean Patou c2001

"Nacre," created by Jean-Michel Duriez as a limited series specifically for the US market in 2001, reflects a strategic approach by Jean Patou to cater to American tastes and preferences. During this period, the US market was characterized by a growing appreciation for niche and exclusive products, especially in the realm of luxury fragrances.

Jean-Michel Duriez, known for his expertise in crafting sophisticated and nuanced scents, likely designed "Nacre" to resonate specifically with American consumers who valued elegance and uniqueness. The limited series aspect added to its allure, positioning it as a coveted item among fragrance enthusiasts and collectors.

By focusing on the US market, Jean Patou aimed to capitalize on the country's affluent consumer base and their inclination towards high-end, distinctive fragrances. The decision to create a limited series reinforced the perfume's exclusivity and appeal, appealing to those seeking something rare and special.

Overall, "Nacre" by Jean Patou, under the creative direction of Jean-Michel Duriez, was a strategic offering tailored to capture the attention and admiration of discerning American consumers who appreciated fine craftsmanship, exclusivity, and the allure of luxury fragrances.

Joy Forever by Jean Patou c2013

Joy Forever by Jean Patou: launched in 2013, created by Thomas Fontaine.

Hip by Jean Patou c2001

In 2001, young American women were at the forefront of a cultural shift marked by bold fashion choices and an embrace of individuality. Pop stars like Christina Aguilera and Shakira were influential, setting trends that included wearing sexy low-rise jeans that sat on the hips, often paired with cropped tops that bared the midriff. This fashion statement was not just about clothing; it was a symbol of confidence, freedom, and a rebellious spirit that resonated with a generation eager to define themselves on their own terms.

Jean Patou's choice of the name "HIP" for their new perfume in this context was a clever nod to the zeitgeist. The term "hip" has long been associated with being fashionable, in-the-know, and ahead of the curve. By naming the perfume "HIP," Jean Patou aimed to capture the essence of the era's impulsiveness, spirited energy, and the enduring femininity that was celebrated by young women at the time. The name "HIP" would immediately resonate with the target demographic, who were not only following fashion trends but also keen to align themselves with a brand that understood and embodied their lifestyle.

A perfume called "HIP" would naturally appeal to a young, vibrant audience that related to the pop culture icons of the early 2000s. These women, often in their teens and twenties, were exploring their identities, expressing themselves through bold fashion choices, and seeking out products that matched their energetic and spontaneous lifestyles. They would respond to "HIP" as a statement fragrance, one that not only complemented their style but also made them feel part of a larger cultural movement.

The popularity of "HIP" would likely be strongest in urban centers and metropolitan areas, where trends often start and spread. Cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Miami, with their dynamic fashion scenes and vibrant youth cultures, would be prime markets for this perfume. The word "HIP" evokes images of trendy nightclubs, bustling city streets, and the pulsating energy of a generation on the move. It conjures emotions of excitement, confidence, and the thrill of being at the cutting edge of fashion and culture.

EnJoy by Jean Patou c2002

Launched in 2002, "EnJoy" by Jean Patou arrived at a time when the world was transitioning into the 21st century with new trends and an evolving cultural landscape. The early 2000s were marked by a resurgence in youthful optimism and a desire for fresh, vibrant experiences, contrasting with the classic and sophisticated aura of previous decades. In this context, "EnJoy" was introduced as the "chic younger sister" to Patou's iconic "Joy" perfume, a fragrance that had symbolized luxury and elegance since its creation during the Great Depression.

Jean Patou chose the name "EnJoy" as a playful and modern twist on the legendary "Joy" perfume. The name cleverly incorporates the essence of "Joy" while infusing it with a sense of enthusiasm and energy that appeals to a younger audience. The prefix "En-" suggests an immersive experience, inviting wearers to embrace joy in their lives actively. This name would resonate with a generation seeking new adventures, self-expression, and a touch of luxury in their everyday lives.

"EnJoy" makes an excellent name for a perfume because it conveys a sense of happiness, pleasure, and delight, emotions that are universally appealing. The name suggests a fragrance that is uplifting and joyful, evoking positive feelings and a carefree attitude. It would attract individuals who are drawn to the idea of capturing and celebrating moments of happiness through their scent. These individuals would likely respond to "EnJoy" with enthusiasm, appreciating its vibrant and youthful character.

This type of perfume would be most popular in cosmopolitan cities around the world where fashion-forward individuals seek out the latest trends and innovations in fragrance. Places like Paris, New York, Tokyo, and London, known for their dynamic and youthful energy, would be prime markets for "EnJoy." The modern and lively nature of the perfume would appeal to city dwellers who embrace new experiences and the excitement of urban living.

The word "EnJoy" evokes images of carefree moments, laughter, and vibrant social scenes. It brings to mind sunny days, lively gatherings, and the simple pleasures of life. Emotions associated with "EnJoy" include happiness, freedom, and a sense of playfulness. The name suggests a fragrance that is not only delightful to wear but also enhances the wearer’s mood and brings a smile to their face.

Câline by Jean Patou c1964

In the early 1960s, a period marked by the burgeoning youth culture and a shift towards more liberated expressions of love and intimacy, the launch of Jean Patou's perfume "Câline," created by Henri Giboulet, captured the spirit of this era perfectly. The name "Câline," meaning affectionate or cuddly in French, was a deliberate choice by Jean Patou to evoke warmth, tenderness, and intimacy.

The term "Câline," as a French term meaning to cajole or coax, adds an intriguing layer of meaning to Jean Patou's fragrance of the same name. Launched in 1964, "Câline" by Jean Patou embodies not only the freshness and floral sophistication typical of a chypre fragrance but also the essence of a woman who knows how to charm and persuade. The name "Câline" suggests a playful and alluring quality, evoking images of a woman who uses her warmth and tenderness to win hearts and achieve her desires. In the context of the fragrance, this translates into a scent that is both inviting and captivating, much like the allure of someone who effortlessly draws others closer.

The 1960s was a time of social change, where young people were challenging traditional norms and embracing more open displays of affection and emotion with a more playful and expressive approach to love and intimacy. The name "Câline," carefully chosen by Patou, not only signifies affection and tenderness but also adds a playful and light-hearted dimension to the fragrance. It suggests moments of gentle affection, playful teasing, and the joy of intimate connections—a reflection of the carefree spirit and youthful exuberance prevalent in the early 1960s.

Geographically, "Câline" found resonance in regions where French culture and its associations with romance and sophistication were admired. Countries like France, Italy, and parts of Europe embraced its playful charm, appreciating its ability to evoke images of carefree moments and romantic encounters.

Eau de Joy by Jean Patou c1960

Eau de Joy by Jean Patou: launched in 1960. This was created to be a lighter form of Joy, to be worn during the day.